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Ryuu96 said:
LurkerJ said:

Nothing is destroying the family units in the west as much as the housing crisis, poor public services, stagnant wages, and falling standards of living. The LGBT community can't be blamed for any of this, 

Spot on.

Who the hell can afford to have a baby nowadays, there are so few available houses and when you do finally find one, you'll have to sell your kidney to afford it, you'll work for minimum wage and barely be able to afford to feed yourself, let alone another life, all your money goes towards bills, nothing left over for yourself.

Even so, still unsure how less marriages and less children results in the destruction of America

This is all because of the LGBT couple down the street, that is a fact and facts do not care about your feeling. This message is approved by Ben Shapiro.

In all seriousness, we have chosen to invite the private industry to solve our problems, and this includes housing. Despite the overwhelming evidence that privatisation has not resulted in better standards, headlines like this are way too frequent and we see in all industries. The government let go of sources of income and investments, invite private businesses, these private businesses frequently fail, the taxpayer subsidies the failure, rinse, repeat. Since the government has no sources of income besides the taxpayer says they can't make money on selling water or electricity anymore, so our taxes go up because how else the country is going to generate income. 

You might ask why I am talking about this, but this is actually the heart of the the issue, and in recent times, asset management companies like like Blackrock and Vanguard have turned their attention to housing and hell has been let loose, all while public housing builds are suppressed at low levels. 

If this continues, we won't any of the infrastructures of our countries. It's obscene, we seem to be creating 10 self-inflicted problems per decade and at best, a politician solves one of those 10 problems once in a while. Very few politicians even mention the role of privatisation (and subsequent take over by asset management companies) in inflation and why it can't be contained :  

I saw some headlines about some bills in the last few years I'm not sure if any of them have materialised.