Alex_The_Hedgehog said:
curl-6 said:
If there is, they need to be very careful. Bailing on the Xbox Series too soon could lead to a Sega situation where the remaining fanbase feels burned and won't want to invest in the new console for fear it too will get cut short, opting instead to wait and jump ship to PS6. Ultimately, what they need more than anything is exactly what they have lacked since the 360; killer games. Software sells hardware, and they have no answer to Nintendo and Sony's first party heavy hitters. If the lacklustre first party output continues, the next system will fail just like the Series.
Killer and exclusive games.
One of the reasons I didn't purchase an Xbox Series is because I can play almost all their games day 1 on PC.
True, but not everyone can afford a PC that can play AAA games, and PS games also come to PC these days.
I still think there's an audience for an Xbox console if they could just provide desirable games.
Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 February 2024