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Also to follow my post, it seems like shipment for this quarter might get bleaker than we thought for both Sony and Xbox

The article is from a Chinese buisness site, but the gist of it is this :

"Not only laptops, but also consumer electronics, the demand is extremely bleak. It is understood that the two major game console manufacturers, Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox, both faced the challenge of lower-than-expected sales and excessive inventory during the Christmas season last year.

In order to clear inventory, Sony has notified its supply chain, including assembly plant Hon Hai, and power supply manufacturers Delta Electronics and Lite-On, that PlayStation orders will be cut in half in the first quarter of this year, from about one million units per month. , lowered to 500,000 units, and Microsoft also informed assembly plants Pegatron and Hon Hai, and power supply manufacturers Qundian and Lite-On that "Xbox production will be completely suspended in the first quarter."

For Microsoft, it follows up with their 40% down forecast while Sony is simply halving it's own there. I doubt this is simply just about rellocating these resources to other assemblies.

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