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Shtinamin_ said:

Why are people so worked up over which party did what?

...Because it matters? Context, track records, and historical accuracy are important aspects of functional politics.

Shtinamin_ said:

Shouldn't legal U.S. citizens be trying to make our country, and community better in every aspect?

Depends on what you consider 'better' and more importantly how you think we should go about achieving that. Bringing up 'legal US citizens' as if seeking asylum isn't a legal, constitutional act or the fact that immigrants commit crime at significantly lower rates than US citizens leads me to think you're not actually looking at immigration through an unbiased lens.

Shtinamin_ said:

Why can't everyone work together as a team?

Partisanship and tribalism, but one side is objectively WAY more guilty of this than the other. Look at just about any procedure in congress and see who's really interested in working together or not. This latest immigration bill is a fine example but my favorite would have to be the Jan 6th investigation where Democrats offered Republicans a perfect 50/50 split in representation and Republicans still said no specifically so they could then turn around and cry victim when the resulting committee wasn't an even split. For as much as the right claims the left is dividing the country they couldn't be projecting any harder.

Shtinamin_ said:

Pride (it's on both sides) and the dysfunction of the family unit will lead to the destruction of the United States of America.

Gee I wonder where you got this buzzword and how it affects your opinion of the LGBT community and alternative lifestyles...