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From all the bloated exaggeration we've seen on social media about the subject of exclusivity on Xbox platforms going away or being only timed,

I think if we're looking at the more long term consequences, is that them even entertaining the thoughts of doing case by case multiplat games in the future can really only slowly lead to the ultimate avenue that some have thought Xbox would be aiming all along as solely being a software and service provider.

I mean we're talking about a platform that was solely ingrained into the traditional console ecosystem a few years back, to one that changed it's revenue strategy by hoping on the service/subscription Netflix craze thinking they could achieve a similar success in a short matter of time. This has now devolved into the position of Gamepass being available on PC as well which partially lost interest to get into it's hardware ecosystem has a whole since PC's is a more agnostic platform.

Seeing as this change of strategy hasn't gathered the benefits and profits they hoped + in thought of the big buyout of ABK and industry rampant production costs, they're now pressured in some capacity to find ways to recoup these costs and generate more profits in response to that.

For now, it looks like one of those solutions might be the use of once "exclusive" console titles to become multiplats in the future in a case by case basis.
But I understand the sentiment some are going through when using the snowballing effect fallacy in which if Xbox is willing to depart with some of their exclusives strategically, what's there to guarantee that it will not evolve into outright the wild speculations they're having of Microsoft quitting the hardware buisness to concentrate itself on the software/service side uniquely ?

This is what Xbox PR will have to answer for in this business update event and their messaging better crystal clear cuz oooh boy, if it's not ... The internet will alight itself again like it's doing right now.

Personally, I think the steps they've gradually taken over the course of these last years is the results of them of them wanting to find their own gaming avenue, be different. Just like Nintendo has and Sony to an extent too.

It's a slow process and they prolly don't want people to act like they did today but I do think gradually and eventually, we'll reach the point of Xbox being a massive 3rd party publisher providing software to all platforms and it's own only digital platform too.

Of course, this isn't a matter that's gonna build itself in a single year. Would they release other hardware pieces. This strategy would only get clearer as time goes by.

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