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SvennoJ said:
LurkerJ said:

I can't at this, how do you even

It would be funny if it wasn't true. This is what erosion of public education leads to. Critical thinking is the most important thing to teach in schools and I wonder if it is being taught at all in the USA.

The Bible teaches tolerance just like Islam, but that's not the teachings these people are looking for :/ Fire and brimstone for anyone 'different' from me. Of course these old books are full of outdated metaphors and I doubt those interviewed there even know what a metaphor is... Just like the constitution is outdated and needs modern re-interpretation.

Societies change all the time, and one awful human trait is fear of change. Politics grab on to any change to pick at that fear to control the people. That's all maga stands for, fear of change, fear of growing up as a nation.

I always wonder when I hear that the Bible doesn't teach tolerance. I mean, what's the story of the Good Samaritan then if not a show of tolerance? Or all the other times that Jesus showed compassion?

Also, if Jesus would be living these days, they'd probably hate his guts. For instance, how would they interpret the wonder of the multiplication of the bread and fish that fed 5000 people? Having the ability to make food out of thin air and then just giving that away to the poor? "Radical communist right here!" or something along those lines would probably be their main reaction.