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The only thing this whole thing is making me learn is that however derivative a game might be or even on the limit of copyright/IP infringment,

1) Open World craft/survival game on early access are popular despite their unfinished state.

2) The first statement is even more popular if linked even if indirectly with a popular IP.

3) China is gonna be the biggest market for this game and his probably why the concurrent number of players record could be beat during the middle of night.

Edit :

Although this is coincidental most probably, one of the popular streamers I watch is literally playing an Ark like with most similar gameplay mechanics that PalWorld adheres to. Guess what ? It just released yesterday and it's already doing good numbers on Twitch (and Steam most probably). The game's name is Enshrouded. It's also early access of course. Prepare yourselves to see a shit ton of those to nauseum in the coming years hehehe.

Last edited by Mar1217 - on 25 January 2024

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