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Finished Better Call Saul. Breaking Bad is my second favorite show of all time (only behind the Twilight Zone), and speaking from that perspective - it was decent but didn't do a ton for me. My cousin put it best that it felt like Breaking Bad lite. Definitely more of a character drama vs action/crime drama which I respect in its own right, but the elements of BB that I responded to most - the crazy crime drama plot, the escalation, the awesome chemistry (no pun intended) between Walt and Jesse, the funnier moments, were lacking or missing altogether. Was interesting to see the seemingly sleazy lawyer Saul's character fleshed out a ton more and Odenkirk is great (especially biased as a fellow Naperville Chicagoland guy). Plus Gus is a terrific villian and Mike was probably my favorite character from BB. Some of the Chuck stuff intrigued me but kinda fell flat wrapping up that arc.. Season 5 and 6 got great but then the show's ending felt weak and cheap. Won't give anything away but just made the whole thing feel pretty much pointless.

Starting Ozark now in the hopes that this scratches my Breaking Bad itch more sufficiently. 7 episodes in and so far it's excellent. Jason Bateman has a nice range of serious/heartfelt deliveries along with sillier/wittier stuff. The setting has an interesting mix of a gritty and calming vibe which I find unique.

About halfway through the Last Kingdom as well, sort of seeking another Game of Thrones/Vikings, both of which I've finished. Definitely feels like more of the latter, with more of a pro-English tilt vs Vikings which is (obv) more pro Northmen. Which is interesting to see. But I also like that the main character Uhtred is sort of this dual character and renegade with no real allegience. He kinda bounces around factions to the point where it's a bit comical but overall a great show. Episodes don't need to be nearly an hour each though...

I really want to try and get into Peaky Blinders - as it seems to combine two of my favorite types of shows; the crime drama and period show.

My cousin tells me True Detective Season 1 is incredible and Fargo Season 2 is supposed to be solid as well (and I'm a fan of Brad Garrett being a Raymond fan back in the day). So I'll probably knock those out soon too.

Cartoon/anime wise, I finished Cyberpunk and Castlevania which were both pretty epic and entertaining. Some down time but overall fun watches as fans of both franchises.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden