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Of the games on the list, I've really managed to play The Last of Us, and I find it very overrated, so definitely not that. My main issues with the game are that its decent (not great) gameplay gets old by the time the game ends, and that the number of human beings you need to kill in the game is simply immersion-breaking - in a game often said to be immersive. Final Fantasy VII is another one I've at least tried, but sadly I haven't felt the urge to continue playing beyond the beginning. If Final Fantasy VI and VIII are anything to go by though, Final Fantasy VII definitely doesn't deserve by vote either.

The games listed here that are older than The Super Mario Bros. 3 are probably too simplistic by modern standards to deserve my vote. I don't like platforming enough (although I do like platforming!), and judging by my brief experiences with Mario, I'm not a huge fan of the controls in Mario games. Thus SMB3 probably doesn't deserve my vote either. The same goes for Super Mario Galaxy.

That leaves Resident Evil 4 and two less ancient/more modern Zelda games. Well, I don't generally like horror games, so Resident Evil 4 is easily eliminated. That leaves Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild. Since I don't have experience with Ocarina of Time and it's so old, I have a hard time believing I would find it anything more than 'just' good. That leaves Breath of the Wild, which I expect I would actually enjoy quite a bit, so it gets my vote. It's a terrible vote because I haven't played the game or much of the competition, but as you can see, it's a fairly reasonable pick, and one I expect I could stand behind had I played all of the candidates.

That said, there are several games I would probably rather vote for instead of BotW, were I free to choose, even if I had experience with BotW. Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy X are some of the strongest contenders, and while not a masterpiece per se, Cities: Skylines has taken so much of my time that it's definitely worth considering - it just that much fun in my opinion. Off the top of my head, that's the contenders, but there could be others as well.

Last edited by Zkuq - on 29 December 2023