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curl-6 said:
smroadkill15 said:

MS is actively doing the things you are requesting them to do. You might not agree about these games, but clearly some people do.

I already acknowledge Xbox should have done things differently so I'm not sure why you keep repeating this tired statement. 

Clearly not enough people do though, if we look at Xbox Series sales. 

You may find it "tired" but it's the truth. What's tired is their repeated promises that they'll do better, only to continue to under-deliver.

Whether they decide to release a new Xbox or not will make no difference if their first party output remains weak. At this point, they're probably better off doing what Sony did with the PS3 and trying to ride it out and regain their audience's trust instead of risking pissing off the few who did stick with them by cutting the Series short.

Who in this thread is disagreeing with you? Lol. That's why it's tired. Once again, they had a solid year in game releases this year. They have a nice lineup of games already lined up for next year. Their lineup being weak is a personal opinion, not a fact. Ps5 was selling this year even when they had no big 1st party games until Spiderman 2. Xbox had more consistent releases all year. At the end of the day, ps5 is able to sell huge numbers off brand power alone, while Xbox doesn't have that luxury. Expect Xbox to match this is simply unrealistic. 

Xbox could ride it out. Is releasing in 2026 vs 2027 really going to make a difference in regaining trust? As long as Xbox has consistent releases between now and then, this is more important.