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smroadkill15 said:
Mar1217 said:

This kind of knowledge falls flat when you know that basically both Sony and Nintendo have games they're working on too. That kind of numerological war is useless.

Simply to the contrary of Xbox, they don't reveal every single instance they have in their hand. Nintendo for example, has been keeping their hand more closely to their chest when it comes to announcing their upcoming games.

What matters is your upcoming calendar schedule of releases, not the trillion upcoming projects that won't see a clear release date before another 4 years.

In that sense, you'd be right to be excited for what Xbox is coming up with this next year because they seem to have a healthier 1st party schedule (if no delays) and have their most exciting line ups in years.

Nintendo is in a transitional phase from the end of a cycle to another after a banger year so it's understandable to see them coming with a lighter year and Sony does have an offering for this year even if we're not sure of it's full picture.

So, be happy. Xbox can finally maybe showcase a better year software wise than it's competitors !

Now, if it does happen and the hardware needle is still in decline, that'll just prove what the others were saying 

Basic knowledge means nothing if I don't know what they are. Of course they have games in development. It's really not that wild of a statement to say, I personally find Xbox has a more exciting lineup of games since we actually know what a lot of them are. 

Xbox still has a lot of games we don't know about. 

So you go full circle and basically agree with me about the bolded. 

It can also mean an earlier hardware release could be the right move if nothing is improving. 

You'd probably have to read my post again because my take is simply to not wage useless numbers of games around for the overall far-flung future when what matters is the current calendar releases, you know, the stuff that's actually suppose to come out and that will push hardware sell.

In that sense, all 3 publishers have their titles coming in for the first half of the next year.

So no I can't agree with you because by default, I do not share your software priorities.

And like I said, unless what is on offer is capable of moving the hardware needle, then no, wavering the flag of numerous software "in-developpement" means nothing be it a known title or not.

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