I'll put them all out there now
- In this game, you’ll visit France, Mexico, and various different locations in the US.
- The bonus levels see you dropped in on a platform in the middle of the ocean, as well as having the opportunity to roam around Heaven itself.
- These locations were appealing enough for ol’ Spidey to get in on the action (assuming you unlock him).
08 (incorrect guesses - Super Mario RPG)
- 11 96
- 11 is for the minimalists and speedrunners; 96 is for the completionists.
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The character's main function was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- To 100% the game, you’ll have to interact with every living creature. You’ll have to interact with them in just the right way though, otherwise your collaborator will have difficulty doing his part.
04 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- This game broke from tradition at the time by having your maximum health increase after you’d found five of a certain collectible, rather than four.
- As far as I'm aware, this is the first time in this series that you can get a power up that mimics that of an enemy.
- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
01 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (incorrect guesses - Resident Evil 4, Ico, The Last of Us)
- I suppose you could view this game as one long escort mission.
Current list - https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/247804/the-official-thread-the-14th-annual-greatest-games-event-post-only-once/4/#3