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Just Finished: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix HD [As Part of the Kingdom Hearts All in One Collection] (PS4)

During my years-long play through of most of the major KH games, this is the only one that I had previously played to completion. I enjoyed the game back on the PSP and even reviewed it for this site. The game still holds up well. The three part story structure is interesting, giving you the unique perspective of each of the main characters. The time spent in each world is pretty brief, but that worked well for the portable nature of the original game, and when you add up the time spent visiting them all three times it feels sufficient. After Chain of Memories experimented with cards based gameplay, it is great that this game proved that the traditional combat and controls worked just fine given strong enough hardware. Aqua was my favorite character this time around so I saved her for last. Some of the worlds are re-tread but they also allow you to visit some worlds for the first time in this game. The music is good and I didn't mind the visuals even though they are quaint by today's standards. I didn't do much exploration or customization outside of what the core game and story call for so I can't comment on those extra features. Overall an enjoyable game that I could split my playtime into 3 separate chunks throughout the year, taking a nice break between each character's storylines.

Score: 8/10

Bonus: Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth By Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage

Really short. I cleared it in about 3 hours. The Ground Zeroes of KH games. Hopefully a good primer on what to expect when I play KH3 soon. The visual upgrade was a bit jarring at first but eventually I got used to it. As I said, Aqua was my favorite character from the prequel so it was nice to spend more time playing as her. The combat was pretty similar to previous games, just even flashier somehow. Some of the level design was confusing and the boss battles were repetitive. Did this side story add enough value to KH DDD HD to justify its existence? I'm not sure but it was a fun diversion anyway. Now finally on to KH3 some time year.

Full Completed 2023 List:

  • Super Mario World (NSO)
  • Star Fox (NSO)
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
  • Donkey Kong Country (NSO)
  • The Legend of Zelda (NSO)
  • Gran Turismo 7 (PS5)
  • Grand Theft Auto V (PS5)
  • The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Edition (PS5)
  •  Bioshock Infinite: Complete Edition (PS4)
  • The World Ends With You Final Remix (Switch)
  • My Japanese Coach (DS)
  • Puppeteer (PS+ Premium)
  • Gravity Rush 2 (PS+ Extra)
  • Devil May Cry HD (PS+ Premium)
  • Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy (PS+ Premium)
  • Resident Evil HD (PS4)
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix HD (PS4)
Last edited by Signalstar - on 18 December 2023

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