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Tober said:
super_etecoon said:

2 million?  Yeah, I just wanted to quote that for posterity.  Prime 4 is doing 4 million minimum.  It could even go above 5.  Metroid Dread, a full price 2D game did 3 million.  

Remember Nintendo really put their marketing muscle (and money) behind Dread. It was THE fall 2021 game for them besides some Pokomon remakes. And it essentially being the launch game for the OLED model helped too. I love Dread, but it does not seem to have any legs.

If you think that Metroid Prime 4 will not have that marketing muscle behind it, you've got another thing coming.  Dread's marketing push will look like a soft sell compared to what we will see for MP4.  The world is not ready for the onslaught of Metroid goodness once Nintendo is ready to push.  These are all just predictions and for all we know MP4 ends up being vaporware, but assuming the game goes gold and Nintendo is proud of what Retro has cooked, the media blitz for this game will stun us.  Nintendo doesn't have a lot of striking, mature looking IPs that could be advertised alongside the next Marvel blockbuster, but Metroid is definitely one of those IPs.  I expect theatre ads, YouTube ads, TV spots, not to mention the sheer number of YouTube channels that basically have been starving to hype up this game.  Switch effect will be on full display.