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zeldaring said:

its over you can forget about the US doing anything but supporting israel considering it run by the israel.

What part of the US constitution (or other documents) grants administration of the US to Israel? What offices in the US are elected or appointed by Israel? What mechanisms, positions, and committees of Israel appoint US officials? Is it through elections by the Israeli people, is it the  or are there executive offices that make the appointments?

To me it looks like the US’s actions relates mainly to its own bullshit: Old Testament thumping factions, and other factions that believe that ethnostates are a great idea (which is not exclusively American bullshit, but bullshit you can find around the world). It has nothing to do with Israel controlling the US.

Want the conflict to stop, don’t go anti-Israel. That’s more likely to result in anti-Semitism than anything that will lower military support to Israel or solve issues in Israel. Maybe figuring out a way to end support for ethnostates and Old Testament worshipping brands of Christianity would be the best - it’s what Jesus would have wanted.

On a separate but related topic: My thoughts on the conflict

I’m not an expert here, but some of the issues that appear, hut Israel’s major problem is that nationalistic factions in the country are pushing for an ethnostate. This doesn’t represent all of Israel, just the ruling alliance in parliament and a portion of its supporters. The problem isn’t purely from Israel’s side either, but also Palestine - which also has corrupt and corrupt and violent factions. Both sides have diseases that need to be eliminated or taken out of conflict in order to eliminate the nationalistic conflict. Either this will be a single or a dual state solution. A dual state solution would be the easiest and by far the fastest way to remove much of the conflict, it would save many more lives in the short term (which might be 2-4 decades), but objectively worse than a single state solution because Palestinians will get the shittier end of the deal (shittier lands, probably losing rights to claims). A single state solution that works for both Hebrew descended groups will be significantly more difficult, as it would require an end of nationalism for both Jewish and Islamic groups and a suitable solution to the land disputes and wealth distribution. It would be multi-generation long process. which one is best and what are the effective methods of achieving either, I don’t know.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.