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JWeinCom said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Spider-Man was my favorite for years. And I still think it’s the best ride at Universal. That combination of on-rails ride with motion simulation and 3D was just masterful at launch. Plus the “training” videos are a riot :D

I still think it's the best, but I'm highly biased. I think the comic book nature really helps make it easy to follow what's going on moreso than Rise of the Resistance or Harry Potter. That guy is made of water, he's going to wet us. The story has a logical flow to it as you take the villains one by one. And I think it's better at making you feel like you're part of the scene moreso than other comparable rides... especially since the Kylo Ren Animatronic doesn't work half the time.

CaptainExplosion said:

Now I wanna see a Zelda stunt show at Universal Studios. Imagine the kinds of practical effects they could do related to Zelda, like a live Hookshot, or blowing up a Dodongo!! ^^

That would be kind of cool. 

And, even though there would likely be kids in the audience, do slight fantasy gore effects with certain monsters, like they did with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I figured it's ok as long as the blood isn't red.