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SvennoJ said:

The US and Israel are burning down everything accomplished in the past decades. US politics couldn't be more morally bankrupt. Nothing was learned from the Iraq war, Afghanistan, 9-11. The only things learned have been how to better manipulate public opinion and keep people distracted. Divide and conquer.

There is nothing to learn because no politician is in it to "learn" or represent the people. American politicians are harlots for the highest bidder, mostly representing global powers and mega-corportations. Please watch this recent segment to understand who's dictating the current stance of western democracies:

This story is infinitely more scandalous than the Russian hacking (lol) of the 2016 elections. Rachel Meadow and MSM, where are you from this? Crickets. I can't wait for your fake outrage next year over some twitter bots. 

Great work by Kyle, Krystal and Ryan. 

EDIT: not that there is anything wrong with being a harlot and I apologise if this comparison offended anyone, harlots spread peace, not genocides, after all. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 25 November 2023