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curl-6 said:

Microsoft simply haven't provided much reason to buy an Xbox.
Their first party lineup is simply lacking compared to Nintendo and Playstation, and while they've been pledging to improve this for years now, we're still about to close out the year with what, three notable Xbox exclusives all year, one of which was disaster and two of which were merely decent.
They have no answer to games like Mario Wonder, Spiderman 2, Tears of the Kingdom, etc.
Games sell systems, and Xbox hasn't had a strong output of exclusives since the 7th gen.

Aside from spiderman 2 what else did Sony have. I think Sony just owns the traditional home console marke like Nintendo does the handheld. Microsoft had its shot with 360 and Sony screwed up big time and Sony still beat them in overall console sales. Only way Microsoft gets back in with a massive mistake by Sony or games that are lighting in a bottle even then this it will be on pc day one.