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Gonna be interesting to see when the Switch reaches the 155 Million mark and what will be considered the Switch becoming #1 all time in sales. Would it need to outsell PS2's last reported number of 155M units or would it need to outsell the estimated 159M unit figure to be considered #1?

I guess factually speaking the Switch would need to just outsell the 155M mark to be considered #1 cause if we use the estimated 159M fugure then it falls into the realm of speculation when debating if it is #1 which wouldn't be as credible for am argument that deals with hard confirmed facts.

However at the same time it is highly evident the PS2 sold more than 155M and it wouldn't be as honest to assume that Switch would just need to outsell the 155M number to be considered #1.

Gonna be interesting to see how it's debated and I think answering it will be big cause the gap between 155M to 159M could be huge in determining whether or not the Switch outsold the PS2.

Last edited by javi741 - on 17 November 2023