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So strong of a year that we don't even have an indie title amongst the nominees despite the Indie game of the year category is straight up banger by itself.

Although as someone pointed out, the inconsistencies that always came from the nomination themselves in certain categories. The way the show is presented, the pacing, the rushing through awards that should not be rushed while we get to hear a BIG speech from an E-Sport coach or gaming influencer is just mind-blowingly difficult to support.

Always remember that no matter the results at these kind of shows, your own list of GOTY is the most important.

Anywoo, I'll give it to Zelda TOTK cause of course I haven't played the others but I vastly prefer the way they expanded on the known maps and new maps while giving us incredible tools to play around with once again.

Although I do expect BG3 to win the award because of the impact it had among the community mostly.

Also big shoutout to Mario Wonder. Once again people agreeing that 2D game masterclass can easily stand against the pre-conceived "superiority" of 3D games.

I'd like it to win just for the ensuing chaos on social media 😏

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