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For films and show adaptations, I tend to enjoy David S. Goyer (Blade trilogy, Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, and Netflix’s Sandman). Not all the Goyer stuff, I wasn’t a fan of Man of Steel, although I enjoyed parts of it. The stuff I didn’t like was the 50 minute Snyderian action marathon where most of it is low/no stakes—unless you were really worried about the city’s infrastructure. And to be fair, it’s not Snyder’s fault, it’s what sells for him - he hit it big with 300 instead of Watchmen.

For franchises, X-Men by far. The X-men spin-offs were great. I liked almost all of them, even the ones generally regarded as bad, like Origins and Dark Phoenix. But I wasn’t a terribly big fan of Days of Future Past and Apocalypse - and for similar reasons why I didn’t enjoy Man of Steel - a lot of overly long action marathons that felt low stakes most of the time. Logan and First Class were probably my favourites.


I mean, I’m not a big comic book fan, but even I know X-Men is one of the biggest franchises of all time - there are 7 core films and 6 spin-offs (9 if you include the Blade trilogy), and 8 television shows. This is like making a “best RPG franchise” poll and leaving off Final Fantasy.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 10 November 2023

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.