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Manlytears said:
smroadkill15 said:

Nah. Xbox also needs diversity if they want to succeed. It's not like Xbox is relying on Halo, Gears, and Forza anymore like before. It hasn't even been like that since last gen. They have way more to work with now. Not everything needs to be the most popular stuff. Getting a nice mix of games like; Pentitment, Hellblade 2, Grounded, Hi-Fi Rush, etc. is what keeps them honest to gaming should be about. Letting their studios have creative freedom is what is putting them in a good spot going forward. They already have studios for CoD, ES, WoW, Fallout, Halo, etc. They don't need to double down on those unless a studio wants to work on it. 

Dear colleague, I am not against diversity. I support initiatives like Hi-Fi Rush, Pentitment, new ips and other small projects that expand gender and creative options. These games have a low cost and short development time, and if they are successful, they can gain greater investment eventualy becoming something big l.

That said, I will clarify my problem through 3 examples:

The creation of a "TES clone", Avowed, when you own TES! Why not use the name and the world of TES!? 

Leaving a potential Fallout 5 on ice, waiting for Bethesda, for +15 years, instead. Why not use the IP with another studio?

Letting studios work for +6 years on small IPs like Fable, Hellblade, Perfect Dark, among others, like Avowed. Why not focus on big IPs that could be adapted in the same genre and gameplay. Make almost the same game, the same gender, Just use the setting of the bigger ip.

I feel like Xbox has a team with some of the best athletes in the sport. But it insists on using the least talented reserves and "untested rookies" in the team's most important positions, while the "superstars" sit idle on the bench.

can you understand me?


I will go deeper. Think about all shit named "Mario". Mario kart, Mario Tênis, Mario Golf, Mario Party... whit the "Mario" name Nintendo makes the game gain 2X Sales and appeal.

I understand what you are saying. From a business standpoint, it makes sense to have teams work on a game like Fallout instead of Wasteland for example. 

There are a few points I would like to make.

I think Xbox is big enough now to work on those smaller IPs, along with the big ones. I wouldn't be surprised if Obsidian is planning on making a Fallout game once they are freed up from Avowed and/or Outer Worlds 2. Those were already in development before Zenimax was acquired. 

We don't know if one of those smaller IPs might turn into a big one. For all we know Avowed could be the next ES. Fable might see a triumphant return of success. Perfect Dark has been needing a reboot for some time and it could be their next big game. Hellblade 2 goes from indie budget to AAA so it might be more successful than we are expecting. 

I imagine if Xbox doesn't see some form of success from these games, they might go the direction you are saying. Or with how successful their big games are, they can take those gambles on smaller and new IPs like they are now.