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And I just got third place for the Queen Cup GP, most improved player :D

892 points.

Some tips for the tournament 

1. A popular strategy is to bumper beat by smashing up grey bumpers to get that power bar maxed early on - don’t do this, the sacrifice means you won’t place high in the early races of the cup. These early races are the most important to place highly in. Finishing in the top 5 in races 1 and 2 means that you’re likely beat your bumper beating opponents who got like 73rd and 38th on the first two races. The amount of ground they have to pick up in race 3-5 will not be enough because they’ll be hundreds of points behind.

2. If you’re good enough to finish most GPs, the later races in the cup are easier because of fewer players, you’re guaranteed to rank more highly.

3. The best place to pick up KOs is in the last 2-4 seconds of race 1 and 2. Many cars are near empty on power, boost or spin into them.

4. Don’t worry as much about getting KOs as finishing in every race. But KOs help.

5. you’re more likely to place high if you’re ranking high by the end of the second lap, so try to boost up there. If you’re behind in the 3rd and 4th your boosts are unlikely to clear through the masses of wavy drivers in front of you - I mean, it’s possible, just less likely. Usually if I’m below 50th by lap 4, even a full power bar and a sky run won’t get me to the top 5. But starting lap 4 in 5th place will mean only red and grey bumpers, driving mostly straight, and a few contenders to deal with - who are also driving mostly straight/optimal.

To talk about points on the cup, during the first race, placing badly means you fall behind (potentially) over 100 points behind the top players. Placing at the very bottom of the pack of surviving racers in the final two races means you’ll be no more than 40 points behind the top racer, and probably less than that. So a poor placing on race 1 will do more damage than among the worst places (short of crashing/DQ) in the final two races combined. If you’re score is too low (like mine was in my first cup of the evening), then your best hope for advancing up the ranks is for your opponents with higher points to get DQd or crash.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 30 September 2023

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.