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Because 2.0 didn’t update the NPC AI lol. 2.0 changed; (from what I’ve seen)

- Overhauled entire skill tree/perk structure, making builds deeper and more precise. Perks are far more significant now.

- Overhauled the entire cyberware system now giving you a limit (you can exceed this with a perk that raises the chances of a cyberpsycho type state called fury). All cyberware can be upgraded from tier 1 to tier 5++ and there’s a lot more in the game now.

- Crafting is no longer perk dependent.

- Overhauled driving mechanics, cars feel much more weighted. Also ability to buy cars straight from the web and removed the fixer progression requirement for cars.

- 3 new radio channels.

- Car combat overhaul + police system. Maxtac fucking wreck. 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 30 September 2023

Ride The Chariot | Games Completed ‘25 Edition