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Now, I have a question.
So people actually like Mute City?

I ask the question before poisoning the well, because this is my least favourite track of the bunch. I’m wondering if it’s actually liked by most people, or if this is one of those “let’s keep voting for the worst one” memes. The only track I’ve seen beat it is Big Blue, and even then it’s like 1 out of every 5 times they’re up against each other… Big Blue, on the other hand, might be the most fun of the tracks because of the speed you can build up on top of having some complexity… Mute city is the opposite, simple and slow.

Right now I’d probably rank the tracks as follows:
—The tracks I really like—
1. Silence (tie)
1. Big Blue (tie)
3. Port Town
4. Sand Ocean
——— neutral opinion ———
5. White Land
——— the ones I don’t like so much ———
6. Death Wind
7. Mute City

Dislike is a bit strong as I still enjoy the race, I just prefer not to be on those bottom three tracks. If Mute City was less frequent I’d probably like Death Wind the least as it’s an obnoxiously simple track plus annoyances in the form of wind. Mute City is simplistic, and it has some annoying bits, mainly the part you have to boost through to stay competitive, and it more or less depends on you getting lucky enough to land a KO at the line on lap 3 if you want to get first—it’s probable that you can get first otherwise, but this is the only way I’ve done it and it’s all mostly chance. Silence I might only be enjoying so much because it’s the rarest track, only playable on Practice Mode and as the final track of the GP, but it’s a lot of fun and it feels like tight skills with timing and physics count for a lot more on this one than other tracks. Port Town, Sand Ocean, and White Land also have a lot of physics and timing - I dislike White Land specifically because I’m not a fan of the sliding (and find it annoying), but the complexity of the track makes up for it a degree, as I find myself still having fun at parts.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.