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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

But most consoles coming out have cool innovative features. Dual analogs, and duel sense. Emotion engine, 360 controller triggers, I'm sure there is more but that just continuation with innovative featured not some bold new direction

The PS2 was the first console to feature USB ports, which can be used to attach peripherals like the aforementioned Eye Toy, Taiko drum controllers, microphones for games like Rock Band, and more.

Literally nobody said that Nintendo is the only one who ever innovates.

Lol how am I moving goal posts when that's what you're doing. My only point is you said Nintendo takes risks and I explained why they did. Then you changed the subject about innovation.

Anyway where is the DF thread aren't you fascinated by how games run on ancient hardware for some reason lol.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 25 September 2023