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Slownenberg said:
JimmyFantasy said:

That's right! 

F-Zero is all about speed, reflexes, ship control, driving ability and smart thinking about boost management. It's not about that chaotic mess, that super road and futile tricks. It's not Mario Kart.

Yeah, it's a nice and fun game afterall, and it is still the only "new" F-Zero we have right now, but I think any true F-Zero fan out there wouldn't want Nintendo to borrows that gameplay elements to a future game in the series.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Because Fzero is also about chaotic high speed racing. Fzero99 is all about speed, reflexes, ship control, driving ability, smart thinking about boost management, and chaotic high speed racing. Fzero99 is everything Fzero is, but with the feeling of high speed chaos multiplied with great online racing fun. And Fzero99 is nothing like Mario Kart. So either you're being sarcastic or just hating on Fzero99 for no reason. I think any Fzero fan would LOVE for Nintendo to borrow Fzero99's main gameplay element to any future games in the series, the main gameplay element of course being racing against a ton of people online in a single race for chaotic high speed amazing Fzero fun!

“True F-Zero fan” - the dude’s a gatekeeper committing an argument from authority fallacy.

And like so many gatekeepers, somehow manages to get it completely wrong.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.