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The_Liquid_Laser said:

I know what you mean. I wasn't here during Generation 7, but I was on some forum totally unrelated to gaming. One guy messaged me about video games and asked why I thought Nintendo made the Wii when it wasn't doing well at all. I had to correct him that the Wii was actually doing awesome. The average level of knowledge about video games outside of VGChartz is actually pretty low by comparison.

That's actually how I joined. Some teenager I worked with asked what my primary console was, and I told him it's the Wii. He scoffed and said that no one games on it and real gamers on X360, so I brought him to VGC and showed him some numbers. I think Wii was in the 60-80 million range and PS3 and 360 were around half those numbers.

But yeah, between spending some time in my early adulthood doing freelance journalism and VGC, my critical thinking and debate skills have sharpened considerably. I was a lot more defensive about Nintendo in those days, but between Big N's acknowledged successes and my natural mellowing out with age, I'm much more chill now. I also spend more time lurking than engaging because living a more balanced life doesn't leave much time for gaming, and if I see others have already expressed an opinion, I don't feel the need to jump in. Glad VGC is still around though.