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Anyway. How are people doing with this game?

How well do you generally do on the Gran Prix races?
To answer that for myself, my first Gran Prix or two I bombed out within the first three races, but the last 7 or 8 I’ve finished in the top 20 - normally about 12-17. Also, I’m at about level 20 now and recently just got my badge for 99 “99 races” complete - which is exactly a lot lower than I though - I summed I was already up in the hundreds.

But anyway, I love this game, and I encourage everyone to try it out, even if you’ve never enjoyed an F-Zero game before.

Also, in terms of future 99 games, the two I want to see are Super Mario Kart - since they’ve moved into the 16-bit games, but also Star Fox… and maybe if Switch 2 allows for N64 type games, Lylat Wars.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.