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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Do you ask Digital Foundry when to poop and pee too or do you have your own opinion on these things? lol. Digital Foundry's job is to slow down things and analyze by frame by frame, no one actually plays video games that way. 

Again here is Spider-Man Miles Morales on the PS4 versus the PS5. 

I think any reasonable person can say the PS4 version holds up extremely well. Shockingly well actually. Frankly the PS5 is a rather underwhelming generational difference. If Switch 2 runs Tears of the Kingdom at 60 frame per second, I'm not falling out of my seat in amazement. Like sorry but I don't think running a game that runs fine on a previous generation console, but just at double the frame rate is "holy crap!" moment. In the past we'd laugh at a generational leap that small. 

There's nothing on the PS5/XSX honestly that makes me go "wow, what a huge generational leap" the way PS3 over PS2 or PS2 over PS1 did. The most impressive thing I've seen on the PS5/XSX 3 years in is The Matrix Awakens demo, that's really the only thing that made me go "whoa, OK that is a step up" and that's not even an actual game, lol. Probably because it would cost a fortune to make a full game look like that. Diminishing returns is definitely setting in. To get to a visual fidelity that is wildly past the PS4 needs you to trend into photorealism, and to get visuals of that caliber I think you are talking about a budget that even most big ticket studios cannot sustain. 

A lot of the power of the PS5/XSX is being sucked away by having to push a ridiculous number of pixels (4K) and calculating lighting bounces/reflections that really you have to stop and study closely to notice half the time and studios are fine with that because they don't want to actually hire an art staff the size of a Hollywood movie to do their graphics anyway (so they don't really want to go that far beyond a PS4 tier of graphics). Most PS5 games just look like PS4 games on steroids running at a higher resolution. 

We heard the same thing with wiiu ports, newer architecture will makes games run better then 360 the majority didn't.  I don't expect that with switch 2 but the best thing to do is wait and see ports, that honestly gives the best idea of where switch 2 at.   

False equivalence, the Switch which wasn't too different from the WiiU in terms of pure TFlops did manage without a sweat and that's because of the ARM NVDIA architecture. The WiiU was opting for the IBM stuff which was not up to par with x86 architectures. 

But indeed, the wait and see approach is always the best 

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