Slownenberg said: This rumor makes it seem like DLSS will essentially be able to entirely close the gap between handheld performance and console performance. I am definitely suspicious of such a large claim. Though I do think DLSS may significantly close the gap, perhaps allowing next gen Nintendo ports of PS5/XBSeries games with performance set to lower settings, ray tracing turned off (despite this rumor claiming next gen Nintendo has ray tracing, I very much doubt that as it would be a huge waste of resources for a handheld), and minimal other changes needed. The idea, as this rumor suggests, that it will be on par with console graphics in every way, seems far fetched. |
Its a combination of 2 things.
1. We already know DLSS2 can upscale games to decent image quality from terribly low internal resolutions. As something PS5/Series X can't benefit from, we know that gives Switch 2 an ability to close the gap where GPU processes are concerned, so we shouldn't be suspicious of that.
2. Diminshing returns means that the sacrifices that we'll see in graphics to get things to run on Switch will be increasingly neglible to the casual eye. There will likely still be a fair gap in terms of actual setting differences, but without digital foundary zooming into textures and rocks in the background, the general appearances of the games will be similar enough
I'm sure there will be games that CPU acts as the bottleneck DLSS2 can't bring Switch 2 up to par