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I will say that saying you are a Christian means nothing today. Many claim to be Christian but how many actually try to live the life. I saw one interview that asked a Christian if Jesus Christ would condemn LGBTQ people the way that the current hard right does today. The woman said no he would not then said he would be wrong. Now I want that part to sink in. You have Christian saying that the LGBTQ lifestyle condemns them to hell, but you would be very hard press to actually find that in the bible. While being gay can be argued as a sin, there are a hell of a lot of sins in the bible and from my understanding GOD did not distinguish between any of them. Without having confess that Jesus is your lord and savior, you matter how good you believe you are you would still go to hell. Meaning there is no person who has walked this earth that is without sin besides Jesus Christ. Anyway, It's really not worth trying to debate people who say they are Christian but act as if they are without sin or that anyone who does not believe as they do is consigned to hell. The Bible has been used to commit a lot of sin in the name of the Lord and it's still done today. They will walk with the Bible but have never opened it more than to take some line of scripture and twist it to their own purpose.