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At a basic glance, it simply seems fine, but it's always been about the money to them so of course, they'd try and prey more money out of fomo'd customers. Those who are the "buy later or on sale crowd" are not the target audience of the jack up priced editions.

Doesn't mean it is truly acceptable if you know where this slippery slope of a tactic could go in the future.

As for pre-ordering, unless the perks make sense like for ex. getting double the gold coins on the eshop, which translate to more store credits is a relative good perk for doing so but otherwise gives you nothing since digital as basically no finite distribution numbers (Although, don't fucking tempt the publishers to actually do so !!)

Pre ordering physical games can still make sense however if you know for example the game you're pre-order won't receive a big physical printing, therefore it won't guarantee the availability of a copy on launch or subsequent weeks.
Aside from that, don't bother with pre-ordering, especially if it's solely based on hype

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