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Slownenberg said:
javi741 said:

Nintendo definitely won't drop the Switch & Switch Oled that early after launch. Even if the price gap between the Switch 1 & Switch 2 isn't that big, Nintendo would still definitely want to keep the Switch 1 around in case somehow the Switch 2 underperforms.

Except at that point its too late. They aren't going to go back to making Switch games all of a sudden just cuz if Switch 2 underperforms. Nintendo didn't start making Wii games again when WiiU failed. (edit: even better example, Nintendo didn't suddenly switch from 3DS back to the DS being their main system when 3DS got off to a rough start, they cut the price of the 3DS and really started pushing it. You don't go back to last gen if current gen starts off bad, you do everything you can to push current gen). No company would ever do that. By the time next gen starts all of Nintendo will be focused on it, Switch will just be picking up the latecomers looking for a cheap system, and that's why the Lite will stay on the market, whereas the other two models will simply have to disappear or get large price cuts to warrant them still being in production.

Slownenberg said:
javi741 said:

Nintendo definitely won't drop the Switch & Switch Oled that early after launch. Even if the price gap between the Switch 1 & Switch 2 isn't that big, Nintendo would still definitely want to keep the Switch 1 around in case somehow the Switch 2 underperforms.

Except at that point its too late. They aren't going to go back to making Switch games all of a sudden just cuz if Switch 2 underperforms. Nintendo didn't start making Wii games again when WiiU failed. (edit: even better example, Nintendo didn't suddenly switch from 3DS back to the DS being their main system when 3DS got off to a rough start, they cut the price of the 3DS and really started pushing it. You don't go back to last gen if current gen starts off bad, you do everything you can to push current gen). No company would ever do that. By the time next gen starts all of Nintendo will be focused on it, Switch will just be picking up the latecomers looking for a cheap system, and that's why the Lite will stay on the market, whereas the other two models will simply have to disappear or get large price cuts to warrant them still being in production.

I'm not saying Nintendo will necessarily "go back" to Switch 1 if Switch 2 underperforms, im just stating Switch games will still be made after Switch 2 releases whether the Switch 2 succeeds or fails just in case Switch 2 underperformed. Just like how Nintendo had many original 3DS games in the pipeline well after the Switch launched since the 3DS was supposed to be a safety net in case the Switch fails.

The examples you used with the Wii don't apply here, when the Wii U launched to bad sales numbers Nintendo still had the 3DS to keep them afloat, and there was a point where Nintendo has to handle 4 different systems (DS,3DS,Wii,Wii U) which is way to difficult for Nintendo to maintain which is why the Wii & DS were eventually dropped. Plus the DS still got some Nintendo games even after the 3DS launched, and Nintendo dropped the DS when the 3DS got off its feet.

This case isn't the same now, Switch is their only platform to keep em afloat, if they completely drop the Switch and if Switch 2 fails then Nintendo would be in  deep shit since they have no other platform to keep em afloat, and Nintendo had more than enough capacity to make games for two platforms, they've done it for 40 years so it's expected that at least for a year or more after launch Nintendo will keep selling Switch 1s and make games for it.