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Switch 2 probably will be unveiled in Feb or March of next year so Switch sales will likely take a hit from that point onwards as a lot of people will opt to just wait for the new Switch. Or maybe an announcement in Feb or so and then a first look around April or May? It depends too on when exactly the launch is, a 2nd half 2024 launch can mean August or September, not just November or December. 

160 would be a nice to have, but it's not a must have. It's much more important for Nintendo that Switch 2 has a very strong start. So I could see them starting to choke Switch shipments on purpose to channel people to the Switch 2. It just depends on what their philosophy is, with 3DS/DS they choked out the life from the DS to push people to the 3DS. With 3DS/Switch they let the 3DS stick around a while but the 3DS also had a completely non compatible library with the Switch and a huge difference in pricing. With the PS4, certainly Sony could have sold quite a few more PS4s with a price cut, but not only did they not cut the price, they even restricted shipments of the PS4 in order to push people to the PS5, and largely it's been the correct move when you look at the PS5 quickly getting to 40 million LTD even without many exclusives (Nintendo will have to work harder than that because their systems aren't drive by 3rd party content).

These last few months of 2023 are basically the Switch's swan song in terms of being a big priority for Nintendo, once the calendar year turns to 2024, it's all about Switch 2. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 04 August 2023