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Anything over 150 is gravy honestly.

Nintendo would rather have 150 mill with minimal/no price cuts than 160 with price cuts. So Switch can say they got to 150 while never dropping the price below X amount, that's something.

Switch 2 is going to have more challenges, with no COVID boost (well hopefully we don't have another pandemic for a long, long time if ever) and no new 3D Zelda in the launch window. That's gotta be the focus and challenge for Nintendo. COVID boost in a way for the Switch was like for a person having their 30s but not actually aging at all in their 30s. It kind of gave the system a 18 month boost where it didn't show signs of normal decline and they didn't have to release a whole lot of software after Animal Crossing (which was completed right as the pandemic hit ... very fortunate timing) for most of the pandemic.