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SvennoJ said:
zeldaring said:

Smart move, and yea I don't even bother anymore. Hopefully they switch it up next zelda or might as well call him a wizard and not a swordsman 

I swear this game was made by a bunch of trolls. Just royally pissed me off again. I'm doing a quest to collect 4 eyes in the Depths, heavy things so I had to build a bigger lifter and get it all balanced. I have them all collected, final liftoff but can't look up of course with the dumb camera. One of the wings snags an overhanging  wall, lifter tilts, link falls off, somehow my glider press doesn't register, link dies, everything fucking resets. Can start over again collecting the first one. I'm taking a break, this no persistance, nothing saved just doesn't work with longer quests. An hour wasted on this bullshit. /rant

I don't know what it is with quests in this game. It's either dumb fetch quests, cryptic descriptions that are often misleading, or multi step shit that doesn't work either due to zero persistence or walking into in backwards. I guess the way to do it is deliver the eyes one by one because the fucking game can't remember I already brought them all together. So much freedom in the sand box vs zero freedom in the quest structure.

Yeah hopefully the next Zelda takes a serious look at how to do quests successfully. (I also still have not encountered the quest needed to open the fairy fountains, despite already finding 2 and 2 musicians which seem to be related to it. Which of course have fetch quests themselves ugh)

The screenshot survived lol

I wonder if auto build puts the eyes back, break first, ugh.

(auto build does replicate the eyes, but you can't do anything with them. They were indeed all back at their starting places. I delivered them one by one this time)

Just beat the fire temple. Easy boss, but why are they so spongy. It takes a like 40 minutes with all weapons breaking to kill a repetitive boring bosses. This game is really missing that good feeling to play. the vehicles also control like crap. Game is good but damn some choice really bring the experience down. like combat, breakable weapons and not having a horse like torrent of ghosts of Tsushima.
Last edited by zeldaring - on 28 July 2023