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Gaming luls are a thing and it is fine to live through them. However long it takes, it doesn't matter until you get that envy back or a peculiar gives you the nice eye. The pandemic made me feel that way for 3 months were I could've played basically anything I wanted but I didn't because there were other things I cared too much about at the time.

Anywoo, I think diversification of genres played helps tremendously as well.
You said you're more open to good story games ?
Good lord ! You've got a pletra of ADV(Visual Novel), puzzle-Adventure games with them having amongst the best written stories of the media ...

Basically, go play the Nonary games (999, Virtue's Last Reward, Zero Time Dilemma) collection.

Otherwise, you'd benefit from sweet but " simpler" experiences too. Donut County could be in your alley since it has a raccoon in it, I presume 😏

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