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Forums especially for gaming are a dying breed of social media due to the existence of alternate means of communicating between users - Reddit, Twitter (despite its ups and downs), Discord, YouTube, and specific dedicated sites that have a support page with discussions (like the recently opened Pokemon community or the Steam Discussion section)

On top of that, the remaining regular forums like this one are easily squashed by the biggest gaming forum - ResetERA which has more members and way more activity that focuses on not just gaming discussion but sales, etc discussions.

Interest in sales numbers alone is a niche - majority of people who were "interested" in them on this forum years ago were only interested console warring wise and not because of the actual economic front of the companies that were competing against each other - a lot of them left due to the moderation and others left due to the toxicity of the discussions like the political forum.

Top it off with the fact that "Nation" or group threads were made which discouraged users to post in topic specific pages and instead had users lurk or just post in those specific group threads slowed down the traffic of threads being made (That and Discord did a number as well on top of all the drama that was happening between certain users).

You are not gonna get what you had 10 years ago especially with the community now consisting of members who are older, are full fledged in their careers and/or have families to provide to, no one has the time that they had 10+ years ago.

Just move on.