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Here's what I think we will or might see, in approximate order of likelihood:

3D Mario and/or Mario Kart 9: The Switch 2 has to have something big for launch, and I think these are the leading candidates. Next year will mark seven years since Mario Odyssey and a full decade since the original release of Mario Kart 8. I think we'll get one of those releases at launch, with the other coming out within the following year. Those are the only truly big mega-blockbuster titles I think we'll see within the launch window given the recency of other mega-blockbusters in other series.

Yoshi, Donkey Kong Country, 2D Zelda, and Luigi's Mansion: It's been a while since the last mainline entries in those series as well, and I think there's a high likelihood of seeing those. The upcoming LM2 remaster could very well be there to generate interest for LM4.

Metroid Prime 4: This is obviously going to be a Switch 2 game at this point. I think it's possible we could see it within the system's first year, but that's probably a long shot given the near-total radio silence since it was first announced.

Smash 6: It's also been a while since Ultimate was released. I'm not sure how they'll move the series forward at this point, but you know it's coming. If it's not a Year 1 release, then probably Year 2.

Old IPs resurrected from their dormancy: A definite possibility, but specific guesses would be pure speculation. Fingers still crossed we'll one day get another F-Zero. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing them bring back Star Tropics as a bright and colorful, less serious answer to series like Uncharted and Tomb Raider.

Possible ports: If the Switch 2 isn't backwards compatible (hopefully it is), we could see various big-name Switch titles get ported as well. Also, the last notable Wii U title never ported to the Switch was Wind Waker HD, and I wouldn't mind seeing that so I won't have to keep dusting off my Wii U.

New IPs: Nintendo doesn't release huge new IPs on the regular, but they could surprise us with something.

As for things I doubt will be released any time within the systems' first year, we just got new Splatoon, mainline Pokemon, and mainline Zelda, so we're not going to see new entries any time soon (though I think there's a slim chance for a Pokemon B&W remake). I'm going to concur with others who said Animal Crossing will probably come later, as it's a social game that could benefit from a larger install base.

Also, I do agree on a 2024 release date. I probably makes better business sense at this point to keep total sales high by resetting the console cycle than by trying to squeeze what they can out of an aging system with sales that, while still strong, are declining. However, Nintendo has actually projected 15 million units for this fiscal year, not 10 million. Just thought I'd clear that up for you, OP. Now, if they wait until 2025, then next fiscal year could see Switch shipments drop to 10-12M, which would rank down there with 2015-2016 and 1994-95, their worst years for hardware sales in the past 30 years. But it is most certainly not declining from 18M last FY to 10M this FY.


In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").