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SanAndreasX said:

Kid Icarus. Having a full-fledged Switch Kid Icarus, with exploration and shooting, developed by Retro Studios, would be amazing as a launch title for the next Switch. I say Retro Studios because Kid Icarus was originally a sister series to Metroid.

Lunar 3, built on the engine of the Trails of Cold Steel games. Unfortunately, the studio that made Lunar is long gone, and the creator of Lunar and Grandia died in 2011 of surgical complications.

That would be an amazing Kid Icarus, especially if they kill off Viridi but she comes back to life and says that the experience was terrifying but humbling.

Also really sucks that the creator of Lunar and Grandia died. :( 

Another dream game of mine that may never be made is an HD remake of Star Fox with an actual aiming reticle, charged shots, lock on, all range sections, the ability to send your teammates in to attack enemies, and no motion controls.