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mjk45 said:
BraLoD said:

Hopefully Microsoft never gets to buy Sega.

BraLoD keep your filthy hands off Sega

Sega today has announced it has bought from Sony the rights to Legend of Dragoon.

BraLoD  This is stupendous and is the greatest news of this century and shows that Sega doesn't need those MS scumbags, so lets all hail my heroes Sega.😍

Sega We wish to inform you that we indeed have bought Legend of Dragoon for the sum of $5.00 with the  non negotiable proviso that we take one Mr Yoshida off Sony's hands or as they put it Mr Souls fuck up Yoshida, but before you show your outrage and accuse us of profligate spending we would like to say don't blame us blame the Japanese government the $5.00 cost included $4.99 stamp duty.

We would like to follow this up with some minor news  The Legend of Dragoon  purchase wouldn't have been possible without Microsoft buying us for 5Billion and 5 dollars.

BraLod All hail our Heroes Microsoft😊😁👍❤️💕😍


honestly cracking up here reading your post