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haxxiy said:
RolStoppable said:

All this sounds like you are bending definitions to make them fit your argument, in particular the slight that games are designed for young audiences.

When you call DKCR (and presumably its sequel Tropical Freeze) real challenges, then there isn't a significant difference between them and all the other 2D games mentioned. The games don't get difficult until the postgame content. Even for Forgotten Land that's true where things culminate with a coliseum boss battle series. There's some variation in just how difficult things get in any of the games, but the conclusion that the games were made for kids doesn't hold water.

As for 3D Mario games aside from 3D Land and 3D World which are different (also more difficult, hence why especially the latter got hate from the hardcore 3D Mario fans, including the complaint about time limits), the inclusion of life bars and the like doesn't change anything about the significantly reduced amount of instant death hazards and the fact that the vast majority of enemies can be conveniently ignored by simply walking around them.

Lastly, it should actually be obvious that 2D Mario games are made for a broader age bracket than 3D Mario games, hence why they sell better. The common belief on the internet may be that 3D Mario is grown-up Mario, but there just aren't reasonable arguments to make that case.

I mean, it's you who seems to think that saying a game is designed for a younger audience is a bad thing. Also the only person in the planet who thinks Yoshi and Kirby are as difficult as DKC.

I see that being thrown a lot: retorting that some Nintendo games are family games, not children's games, as if the latter was some sort of poisonous label and the former (arbitrarily slapped label) elevates them to a higher level.

Just admit that you like children's games and don't mind them being easy (because they need to be easy for that age bracket).

It's fine, Rol.

If we use the marketing perspective which they use to sell people their games, yes some of the games are mostly hinging in the family games category or most notably like the E for everyone meaning they've mostly specific at the biggest target demographic possible, everyone. 

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