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Hollywood has been white washing parts for 70 years, so I'm not going to get bent out of shape over there being a black Little Mermaid (the actress was fine in the role anyway) or a black Nick Fury (Sam Jackson is great in the role) when you've had white people playing black parts (in black face), Asian parts, Middle Eastern parts, etc. etc. for decades prior. And this is not even like "well that happened in the 60s and 70s" ... this was happening as recently as Jake Gyllenhall playing the Prince of Persia and Emma Stone being cast as an Asian woman not that long ago. 

The demographics of North America and Europe are very different from 40-50 years ago. If anything Latino people should complain that they are underrepresented in movies and TV shows. For box office the Latino audience is the no.1 movie going demographic in the US, for example the Super Mario movie, Latino audiences were the no.1 audience for that movie. If those people want to ask where is their representation, it's fair IMO, Hollywood still has major problems putting a Latino actor in a lead role.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 20 June 2023