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JuliusHackebeil said:
the-pi-guy said:

The double standard exists, because other races were pushed out.

It's like if there are 100 seats, 1000 people proportional to the US population. 

If the world were fair, 60 of those seats would be white, 19 would be hispanic, 13 would be black, 6 would be asian, etc.

Instead it's more like 75 of those seats are white, 10 are hispanic, etc.

The reason for that double standard is to correct for the real world bias.  

To be fair about what Paatar said: people did in fact care that Ariel was played by a black person. They complained a lot. But I do think that the double standard still exists though. People would riot, if we had a white Blade or Shaft.

That's not a double standard if we look at context. Let's say there's a hypothetical world with 100 superheroes in film, 95 white, 3 hispanic and 2 black. If we go through a new round of making movies there's a much larger impact of whitewashing a single Hispanic or black character than there is of race swapping a single white character. Just because it is the same singular action in each case does not mean they should have the same response. 
