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>You’re by yourself flying towards earth
>Earths lights have long since gone out
>You navigate through it’s cluttered debris ridden atmosphere
>You pick up a faint transmission that you can’t make out
>You find a landing spot and proceed to explore solo
>You see no signs of life in any direction except a single destroyed settlement
>As you approach the transmission clears to a broken crackle but you hear a single sentence
>”A_ot__r… S_tt__m_nt… N_ed_.. _ou_… He__”
>As you stand trying to figure out what it says you see a distant green glow on the horizon moving towards you …
>Your Geiger counter starts to tick and tick and tick
>You turn to run back to you ship but you start hearing the nearing sound of footsteps ..running, getting closer
>You turn around to see a radiated glowing man wearing a trench court and western hat
>The screen fades to black
>The title card plays “Starfield”

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition