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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I'm not even talking about graphics. its a game about fast paced shooting with a unstable frame rate as ps4 pro owner it would be wanna of the worst playing games PS4 AAA FPS, when you get used smooth 60fps.

Gyro and portability matter more than 60fps to some folks too.

No offense dude but you seem to have a problem handling people disagreeing with you. Whenever anyone expresses an opinion contrary to yours, you always start an argument with them, even going so far as to tell others what they should think, like trying to tell me I'd rate Doom a 10 on PS4. You even started a whole thread on top of this one when you found a poll that fitted your opinion.

You need to relax and realize that some people just don't see things your way.

I honestly don't know what you're talking about now. you are bringing up  gyro and portability we were talking how certain genres get really effected by 30fps but to you apparently it doesn't matter. platformers, fps, racers, and fighting games are not a big downgrade to you at 30fps thats the end of the debate.      

Last edited by zeldaring - on 13 June 2023