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curl-6 said:
Leynos said:

Oh, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I'm just tired of the lies. 8th gen they promised 1080P 60FPS all the time. 7th gen Sony promised their games would be 1080P but you can fit the list of 1080P games on PS3 on a single page of a notepad.

Still remember Uncharted 4 promising 60fps initially then ending up 30fps because in the words of Naughty Dog "we're going for the experience over 60fps."

They said targeting so its not actually a full lie lol. similar  thing happened with the original BOTW it was a pretty big down grade compared to the original wiiu trailer. DF even said  tOKT was down graded  as well. Not even the most powerful PC can guarantee every game to run at 60fps cause its up to the developers.