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Welp, I've continued my adventure towards some of the sky islands in the south of central Hyrule and found a shrine quest there. Also found a mysterious sky island build different from the others with a written plaque with ancient hyruliean on it. Don't know what the purpose of this'll be.

After that, I jumped right beside the Colosseum Ruins explored some places found more stuff than I expected and a bit later I actually found the most impressive cave yet ... Which led me to find a rare piece of equipment it seems. How freaking awesome was that. And this wasn't even part of the Depths yet, which I haven't explored yet ...
Although, I found a well that was infested with the gloom, jumped in it, realized it was an entry to the Depth and proceeded to die because I couldn't hit the bottom fast enough since I couldn't see shit inside it because of how pitch black it was.

Makes me anxious at exploring the Depths now if this is going to be this intimidating to go through ...

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