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Kynes said:
zeldaring said:

My point in tha video is look how far physics can go if developers don't focus on graphics that shit is insane. especially with the power of current gen.  ultimately  even though it's impressive can they make a amazing game out of it like Nintendo. You need to stop being overly sensitive its just a video game.

You still don't understand that they are not interrelated. Better graphics don't have to mean worse physics, no matter how much you stubbornly insist on it.

So you saying if everything was destructible it would not effect performance? that's false. aside from that they would need to a massive budget. TOKT which is using dated graphics need 1 year just to test everything works now imagine that on something like GTA6 most developers will go bankrupt doing both things which is why it probably has not been done. it would be a beautiful thing.